Howlong Preschool offers children who are 3-5 years of age 15 hrs per wk (2 days)

Enrolments for 2025 are NOW OPEN.
To add your child to our waitlist, parents have the option to:

  • Fill out the Application for Enrolment form below on this page.
  • Or alternatively, you can call us on 02 60 26 5646

Please note:

  • Children must turn 3 on or before their first day of enrolment.
  • Toileting independently is not required for them to enrol at preschool.
  • Places are allocated in accordance with the preschool’s enrolment policy and in line with the government’s priority of placement legislation.
  • Two weeks notice is required before a child leaves the centre or changes days of enrolment.
Enrolment at Howlong Preschool

Waitlist Application

Child Information

Parent/Guardian Information

Our Preschool adheres to the NSW Priority of Access Guidelines. That is children who are 4 years old on or before the 31st July in that preschool year and not enrolled at a school, children who are at least 3 years old and are: from low income families, children with Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander background, children with additional needs (NDIS Plan), children that are 3 with English Language needs and Children who are at risk of significant harm.

If your child is 4 before 31st July (the year they are enrolling) they can access 2 days of preschool. If they are enrolling at school the following year they can access 3 days. (Affordable Preschool Fee Relief is only available for 15hrs)

If your family holds a Health Care Card or your child is of Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander descent or the child has a NDIS Plan they can access 2 days per week at a reduced fee rate.